natasha felix



com a tesoura corta língua lâmina você
reclama um pouco sente rasgar
a pele seleciona a defesa oferece
mais carne fresca
         faz o que quer de mim
lá fora nenhuma casa nome de rua sequer
está tudo acabado
eles sabem
o segredo do mundo nos seus olhos
brancos dois pequenos planetas
explodindo a ponta
da tesoura escorrendo pelo metal
até que você diz    eu aguento



with the tongue-cutting scissor blade you
complain a little feeling the tear
the skin selects the defence you offer
more fresh meat
         do whatever you want to me
outside no house not even a street name
it’s all over
they know
the secret of the world in your white
eyes two tiny planets
exploding the scissor’s
tip dripping onto the metal
until you say     I can bear it

—translated by leonardo marona, matheus bueno, and sean negus
Natasha Felix was born in 1996 in Santos, São Paulo. She published the zines anemonímia (2016), j. is not a name (seal manga, 2017) and Mariana buys a dildo (2018). Other texts have been published in print and digital magazines. Use the pliers now (2018, Macondo) is her debut book.