cristiana miranda & derek walcott



O MAR É HISTÓRIA (por derek walcott)

Onde estão seus monumentos, suas batalhas, mártires?
Onde está sua memória tribal? Senhores,
nesse cofre cinza. O mar. O mar
os trancou. O mar é História.

Primeiro, o óleo oscilante
pesado feito caos;
então, como luz no fim do túnel,

a lanterna de uma caravela,
e foi a Gênese.
Então, gritos abafados,
a merda, a lamúria:

Osso soldado por coral a osso,
velado pela bendição da sombra do tubarão,

que era a Arca da Aliança.
Então vieram dos fios dedilhados
de brilho do sol no leito do mar

as harpas plangentes das amarras babilônias,
como búzios brancos em chusma, grilhões
nas mulheres afogadas,

e estes, os braceletes de marfim
do Canto de Salomão,
mas o oceano virava páginas em branco

em busca da História.
Então vieram os homens com pandos olhos de âncoras
que afundaram sem tumbas,

bandalhos churrascando bois,
deixando suas costelas tostadas como folhas de palma na orla,
então o espumante temporal

irado da maré devora Port Royal,
e isso era Jonas,
mas onde está a sua Renascença?

Senhor, está trancada nas areias do mar
além da confusa prateleira do recife
onde a caravela portuguesa flutuava;

afiem esses óculos, eu mesmo os guio.
É tudo sutil e submarino
pelas colunatas de coral,

além das janelas góticas das gorgônias
aonde o agregador cascudo, olhos de ônix,
pisca, carregado de joias, qual rainha calva;

e essas caves repletas de cracas
duras como pedra
as nossas catedrais,

e a fornalha ante os furacões:
Gomorra. Ossos moídos por moinhos
calcário e farinha,

e isso foi Lamentos —
apenas Lamentos,
não foi História;

então veio, como a escuma aos lábios secos do rio,
os cálamos brunos das vilas
coagulando-se em cidades,

e à noite, os coros de mosquitos,
e sobre eles, os picos
lanceteiam o flanco de Deus

disposto seu Filho, e isso foi o Novo Testamento.

Então vieram as irmãs brancas aplaudindo
o progresso das ondas,
e isso foi a Emancipação —

júbilo, Oh júbilo —
fenecendo lesto
enquanto o sol seca a renda-do-mar,

mas isso não foi a História,
apenas fé,
e cada pedra fraturou-se nações;

então veio o sínodo das moscas,
a garça secretária,
o sapo boi bramindo por um voto,

libélulas com belas ideias
e morcegos, alados embaixadores,
louva-deuses, qual policiais de cáqui,

e lagartas peludas de juízes
examinando cada caso com cuidado,
e então, nas orelhas escuras das samambaias

e no chacoalhar salgado das rochas
em piscinas marinhas, lá que estava o som
um rumor, sem eco nenhum

do real começo da História.


THE SEA IS HISTORY, by derek walcott

Where are your monuments, your battles, martyrs?
Where is your tribal memory? Sirs,
in that grey vault. The sea. The sea
has locked them up. The sea is History.

First, there was the heaving oil,
heavy as chaos;
then, like a light at the end of a tunnel,

the lantern of a caravel,
and that was Genesis.
Then there were the packed cries,
the shit, the moaning:

Bone soldered by coral to bone,
mantled by the benediction of the shark’s shadow,

that was the Ark of the Covenant.
Then came from the plucked wires
of sunlight on the sea floor

the plangent harps of the Babylonian bondage,
as the white cowries clustered like manacles
on the drowned women,

and those were the ivory bracelets
of the Song of Solomon,
but the ocean kept turning blank pages

looking for History.
Then came the men with eyes heavy as anchors
who sank without tombs,

brigands who barbecued cattle,
leaving their charred ribs like palm leaves on the shore,
then the foaming, rabid maw

of the tidal wave swallowing Port Royal,
and that was Jonah,
but where is your Renaissance?

Sir, it is locked in them sea-sands
out there past the reef’s moiling shelf,
where the men-o’-war floated down;

strop on these goggles, I’ll guide you there myself.
It’s all subtle and submarine,
through colonnades of coral,

past the gothic windows of sea-fans
to where the crusty grouper, onyx-eyed,
blinks, weighted by its jewels, like a bald queen;

and these groined caves with barnacles
pitted like stone
are our cathedrals,

and the furnace before the hurricanes:
Gomorrah. Bones ground by windmills
into marl and cornmeal,

and that was Lamentations—
that was just Lamentations,
it was not History;

then came, like scum on the river’s drying lip,
the brown reeds of villages
mantling and congealing into towns,

and at evening, the midges’ choirs,
and above them, the spires
lancing the side of God

as His son set, and that was the New Testament.

Then came the white sisters clapping
to the waves’ progress,
and that was Emancipation—

jubilation, O jubilation—
vanishing swiftly
as the sea’s lace dries in the sun,

but that was not History,
that was only faith,
and then each rock broke into its own nation;

then came the synod of flies,
then came the secretarial heron,
then came the bullfrog bellowing for a vote,

fireflies with bright ideas
and bats like jetting ambassadors
and the mantis, like khaki police,

and the furred caterpillars of judges
examining each case closely,
and then in the dark ears of ferns

and in the salt chuckle of rocks
with their sea pools, there was the sound
like a rumor without any echo

of History, really beginning.

—translated by rodrigo bravo
Cristiana Miranda is an experimental filmmaker and researcher in Visual Studies, photography and cinema. She holds a doctorate in Arts from UERJ (PPGARTES-UERJ), with studies abroad at University of Mandume ya Ndemufayo, Angola. She is the founder and director of the International Festival of Experimental Cinema (Internacional de Cinema Experimental Dobra). Miranda has participated in diverse film festivals, shows and exhibitions including Crossroads Film Festival/Cinematheque San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and Festival de Cinéma Différent et Expérimentaux de Paris. A retrospective of her films entitled, “Cinematheque do MAM/RJ, Little Poem-Films of Cristiana Miranda,” was held in 2017. She has also participated as the curator of “Encontro Bains Argentique,” “Film Labs Meeting,” in Nantes, with the program “Poly Visions: Meditations On The Uncertainties Of Language” (Nantes, France in 2016)